The purpose of doing format for the hard drive is to remove all data. For instance, if the user wants to sell out the computer, it must want to remove all important data like passwords, credit card numbers, personal documents, and other secret data. In the need of security, formatting the drive is the common way to remove all data. However, the deletion key in your keyboard is not enough for deleting the data permanently. It only deletes the shortcut files and these files can easily find out by the search option. In comparison, formatting the drive is much better and secure than the use of the deletion key.

After formatting the drive. It is difficult to recover the data by the common man, but it is not difficult by the computer specialist. When you don’t have personal or secret data so you can format the drive. It is a good way but if you want more security. So, you need other more secure methods because they are professionals in the field of data recovery. They would restore the data on the drive even after the formatting. Although, it is beneficial for those people who lost their valuable data accidentally.

Storage Devices

Videos and images are beautiful memories for anyone. It is a memory that reminds the beautiful past. People are supposed to capture good moments because they want to store it for the lifetime. So, they can enjoy memories and remember the quality time they spend with their loved ones. Videos and images are always close to the heart and important for the people. Of course, people want to store precious moments in the most secure place, and they consider hard drive, hard disk, USB, SD memory card, etc.


However, these storage places are safe. But sometimes these places encounter mishaps. Accidently, people do a wrong step with their storage devices like formatting. It causes the removal of all data. In the modern era, there is no need to worry about it. Technology is making more progress day by day. Advanced technologies are introducing by experts and professionals. Even after the format, there is a way to recover all lost data because formatting removes all address tables, it means files are not permanently deleted. With the help of a data recovery company, you can get back the lost data. They are experts in their work. They provide 24 hours services to their customers. Even if you are not able to go out. They can provide their services to your door.


Some precautions must be taken by the users like stop using the drive or any storage media immediately. It will be helpful for data recovery services providers. Experts analyze the problem and use their special software and techniques to retrieve the data. immediately approach to the professionals in the data recovery centers this is the most reliable way to get back your lost data. Visit to learn more here https://chicago.datarecovery47.com/.